Sunday, March 22, 2009

i love him

This morning, before a shower, real clothes, and makeup, Henry and I had a photo shoot. He was just so precious playing in his playpen that I couldn't resist photographing him. He is changing so much so quickly, I feel like I should be taking a picture of him every day. He inspires me to get my camera out more than anything.
Speaking of inspiration, I've been thinking a lot lately, and I feel the need to share. . . It's come up a lot recently that there are a lot of things I want to do and see, but can't or won't because of Henry. Sometimes, I almost can't help but think that a lot of my dreams and goals are put on the back burner by motherhood. But then, thinking about it, I realize that I don't feel that way at all. I believe that our society has just programmed me to think that way. After all, most people seem to think that having children young can and will derail your future, and cancel out your dreams. I disagree. In my heart I know that Henry is my future, and he is my sweetest dream. I'm convinced that you can't really know what love is until you have a child, and you'll never truly be grateful to your mother until you are one (thanks mom!) Since having Henry, I look at things very differently. I'm not really jealous of my friends that get to travel the world, or my classmates that are going to be famous artists straight out of school because they get to do so much for their art outside of class. Why? Because I know I have the sweetest, most adorable person waiting for me when I come home, and I'll have him forever. Everything in life comes and goes, but family is the one thing you can't choose, and you can't get rid of (for better or worse!) Sure, I'd love to travel till my feet couldn't carry me anymore, and I want to be known for my art, but I'm cool with waiting till Henry is old enough to hike to Machu Picchu with me, old enough to attend all of mommy's gallery openings. And I haven't lost one ounce of ambition. If anything, I have more dreams than ever, because I have the best reason to dream. For now though, Henry is priority. I'm going to enjoy these fleeting moments where I'm the only girl for him.

Our Photo Shoot:

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