Monday, March 2, 2009

city snow

Hey everybody, it's a blizzard! I haven't seen snow like this since I first moved to Virginia, ten years ago (was it really that long?!) We're a week away from Spring break, and VCU has had to cancel all classes due to snow. So exciting! I'm in a really good mood today because I get to stay home, which means Henry gets to have mommy around for a fourth whole day, and mommy is going to knit up her own blizzard of baby booties. . . and squares.

The snowfall was absolutely gorgeous last night, so I had to venture out. My younger brother, Asher, is here visiting for a couple of weeks, and my friend Arlie was here to do an HTML assignment (which we of course didn't do when we saw that the snow was really happening.) We bundled Henry up and went out to play. Arlie carried Henry, and I carried the camera and tripod. Henry liked the snow at first, but wasn't too thrilled when it hit his face. I wasn't thrilled with that either. Anyway, we froze ourselves a little bit, ended up having to take shifts standing in the lobby with Henry so the others could play in the snow, and I got some really pretty shots.

My self portrait:

City stuff:

Group shot:

Henry afterwards, still in all his layers (pj's, hoodie, hat, pants, socks, shoes, socks on hands, coat, etc.):
And finally, I wanted to post this picture that Arlie took of Henry before we went out. I think it really shows how much his face is changing from his front teeth coming in:
That's all for now. Hopefully I'll get to go out and play in the snow again today, and then I'll post more photos. Check back tonight!

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