This post is late, but what can I say? I have been too busy enjoying the promising beginning of 2011 to worry about the blog. That being said, I have a few spare minutes before sleepy time tonight, and I thought I'd reflect on the last year...
2010 was amazing. I graduated from college. I spent the summer interning at VMFA and lounging around with my sweet baby boy. I lost some friends, I made new ones. I learned to trust again. I figured out that it is totally acceptable for your dreams to change, especially if they are changing for someone you love. I experienced several solid months of Etsy success, and the store is still going strong. I watched Henry learn to speak in full sentences, recognize all of the letters in the alphabet, and develop his crazy cute imagination. I know there were some not-so-good things that happened in between, but they aren't the things I will remember. The year ended on a happy note, and I have high hopes for all of the wonderful and exciting things that 2011 will bring.
This picture was taken on 1/1/11. The first picture of us for the new year...