Friday, May 1, 2009

so many things

So much to blog about, and I'm too tired. I haven't posted in a while for a lot of reasons. Finals, etc, and my computer has a virus! It's terrible. I probably shouldn't be online right now, I should be trying to fix my computer or going to bed like I said I was instead, but I can't stay away from the internet for too long. Anyway. . .
I started a garden. Since I don't have a yard, or even a balcony, it's all in pots in my living room. We get great light in the apartment, so I can grow pretty much anything.

A few of my planters (this isn't even a fraction of the plants I have in the living room, but these have the cutest containers):
Mexican Heather:

My precious mini succulents:

And, of course, a photo of the prettiest thing I've ever grown:

Like I mentioned before, I've had finals lately. I still have one project to hand in next week, and then I'm done. On Monday, I had to turn in a book of a project I'd been working on for a month. It got ruined by my cat that morning. It's a long story, she spilled a glass of water on it, but I scrambled to get it reprinted in time to hand it in. Here's the soggy one (my teacher still has the good one, but you can get the idea from this one):

When you turn the transparent page, there's a ghost of the same picture printed on card stock behind it:

Finally, me. Sami gave me a henna sunflower on the back of my calf. It's probably going to be there for a couple of weeks. I love it, think it's beautiful, and wish it would stick around longer. Look:

Below, one of my regular camera self portraits, and a recent version of "early morning mommy," both taken before a shower, real clothes, and makeup, of course. In the last one, I think I'm wondering if all the brownies I've been eating lately have shown up yet. I don't think so. Do you?

This is all (for the moment.) Goodnight!

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